Azure Private Link vs Azure VPN Gateway

October 21, 2021

Azure Private Link vs Azure VPN Gateway

Are you lost in the world of Azure networking? Don't worry; we got you covered! In this post, we'll be comparing two of the most popular Azure networking solutions: Azure Private Link and Azure VPN Gateway. We'll dive into the features, differences, and use cases of the two services.

Azure Private Link

Azure Private Link is a network access service that allows users to access Azure services privately. It connects a virtual network to an Azure service through a private endpoint, which routes the traffic through the Azure backbone network. This service eliminates the exposure of data to the public internet, improving security, and making compliance easier.


  • Security: Private Link provides a high level of security, isolating the network traffic from the public internet. The data remains within the customer's network boundaries.
  • High-End Performance: Private Link allows the customers to experience high-end, low-latency network performance as compared to the public internet.
  • Easier Compliance: Using Azure Private Link ensures that your data and services are compliant with cloud security and data protection standards.


  • Higher Cost: Private Link is a more expensive service as it requires additional networking components like Private Endpoints and VNET peering.

Azure VPN Gateway

Azure VPN Gateway is a service that provides secure and reliable connectivity between a customer's on-premises network and the Azure cloud network. Its use case is to provide remote employees, administrators or vendors with secure access to company resources.


  • Easy Connectivity: Azure VPN Gateway provides a simple, easy-to-use VPN solution to connect remote offices to the Azure cloud network.
  • Cost-Effective: As compared to Private Link, VPN Gateway is more cost-effective.


  • Network Congestion: As VPN Gateway uses public internet connectivity, network congestion can lead to poor performance and slow connectivity.
  • Security Risks: As VPN Gateway requires traffic to be routed through the public internet, it increases the risk of unauthorized access to data.

Which one to use?

Both Azure Private Link and Azure VPN Gateway have their pros and cons. Choosing one depends on the context of your use case. If your priority is security and compliance, you should opt for Azure Private Link. On the other hand, if cost-effectiveness is more important than security, VPN Gateway should be your choice.


In conclusion, Azure Private Link and Azure VPN Gateway are two popular networking solutions that provide different benefits to users. Azure Private Link is best for security-focused solutions, while Azure VPN Gateway is a cost-effective option for remote access connectivity. We hope this comparison has helped you in making an informed decision about the service best suited for your business needs.


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